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Autor Téma: 8.11. - Geoff Piper gives a talk on Czech music  (Přečteno 17324 krát)

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Příspěvků: 60

« : Říjen 24, 2005, 09:00:00 am »

Dear friends,

I am giving a general talk on Czech classical music on Tuesday 8 November at 20h00 in the Grande Salle of the Foyer européen (rue Heine). The event is organized by the "Club Musique de Chambre" of the European Communities, but anyone else is welcome to come.

The talk will be in English and will not last more than one hour.
After the talk, there will be a sale of CDs and sheet music. If you are only interested in this, you are also welcome to come at 21h00.

Geoff Piper (MusicEnterprise)
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